Johannes Kirschenmann
Prof. Dr. Johannes Kirschenmann
Spießfeldstraße 38
61381 Friedrichsdorf/Ts.
Tel.: 06175-940276
Prof. Dr. Johannes Kirschenmann
Study of art and politics, University of Tübingen and Kunsthochschule Kassel,
both Germany; 2001 Doctorate in Art Education at the University of Leipzig:
Medienbildung in der Kunstpädagogik. Zu einer Didaktik der Komplementarität und Revalidierung. (Weimar 2003).
1983 – 2001 Teacher of art and politics at a grammar school in Bad Homburg, nearby Frankfurt/M.; 2001 – 2021 Chair of Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich; since 2021 Professor for art paedagogy at the University of Westbohmeia. 1991-2022: Co-editor of the journal KUNST+UNTERRICHT, ongoning Co-editor ongoing KONTEXT KUNSTPÄDAGOGIK and Kreaplus (Kopaed, Munic)